Let's begin with an assumption. You are Writers. All of you. And, accordingly, you are eager to be here. That eagerness, evidenced by attendance, active participation, thoughtful responses to peer work and outside reading (written and verbal), and timely fulfillment of assignments, will warrant an A. So we begin with that: a final grade of A. As I discover that some of you want to be here more than others, or, hazard the thought, don’t want to be here at all, I will adjust your final grade to suit this new finding.


Grades will drop a half-letter with two absences, and another half-letter for each additional absence. You are responsible for obtaining assignments and notes for classes missed from fellow students. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class (note: three tardies equal one absence). Again, you are to attend all classes, but if you expect to miss one, please use the University absence reporting website to indicate the date and reason for your absence. An email is automatically sent to me.



I encourage students to confer with me throughout the semester (visiting students should come equipped with a specific question). There will be one mandatory midterm conference. 



 Lots of possibilities. Stay tuned.

Inside the Writers House (video chat sessions w. acclaimed authors) occur at a variety of times, some of which line up with our regularly scheduled class; any attendance beyond those sessions will serve as extra credit. Occasionally they're in person at the RU B&N, but mostly they're via Zoom HERE.

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